Acne Causes and Remedies.What is Acne?Acne or pimples as it is commonly called are lesions occurring on the face, neck, and back of the body due to a disorder of hormone actions on the skins oil glands known as sebaceous glands. It is a common skin disease estimated to have affected around 17 million people in USA.The sebaceous gland that secretes excess sebaceous fluids through the pores makes the pores blocked along lesions. Acne is the result of sudden and high degree changes in the level of hormones in the human body between the age of 12 and 21.Acne-Causes:-As explained above the causes of Acne are due to the sudden changes in the hormones in the body usually during the adolescent stage. Acne that appears in people above 25 to 30 years of age may be classified into any one of the following.a) Recurrence of Acne that was cleared up after adolescenceb) Acne that subsided and appeared again after a brief period, for example - during the time of pregnancy in women.c) Acne that occurs for the first time in adulthood.Of the above mentioned types of Acne, that appears during adulthood, Acne that affects the adults for the first time, needs investigation by a dermatologist to find out the possible causes.Some of the causes for the adult acne are as follows.1) Continuous Medication:-The anabolic steroids illegally used by athletes or medications for epilepsy, certain anti tuberculosis drugs, lithium and iodine contained medicines; all these may result in Acne2) Pressure on the Skin:-Continuous pressure on the skin may also cause Acne3) Industrial Chemicals:-Chlorine contained industrial chemicals may induce skin disorders called chlor acne4) Hormone changes:-Changes in the hormonal balance of a person during pregnancy, menstruation or abnormalities of hormone may also lead to acne.Acne that develops during adult hood is difficult to treat and recurrence of the same may call for repeated medication, similarly acne that develops first time in adult hood has to be treated by a dermatologist.Another factor for acne is hereditary. Children who develop acne are found to be with the family history of this disorder.Myths not Facts:-Many believe that food has a role in the development of acne. Chocolates, oil content foods are often considered as the cause of Acne. However there is no scientific evidence to this effect. Similarly the notion that the dirty skin leads to acne does not have much truth. Stress or strain also does not cause acne as some people believe.Who is affected by Acne?All people irrespective of age, country or race get this skin disorder. However people of adolescent age and young adults are more prone to this disorder. Various studies reveal that 85% of the teenagers and people below 24 yrs develop Acne.Treatment:-Severe causes of acne are to be treated by a dermatologist. However normal or milder cases of acne found in young adults and teenagers are treated by family doctors, pediatricians or general practitioners.The acne treatment aims at curing of the existing lesions, avoid recurrence of the lesions and give a sense of relief for the patient. The drugs administered are for various connected problems such as avoidance of clumping of cells in the follicles, to control the bacteria and reduce inflammation besides reduction in the oil production. The medicines prescribed for Acne includes both topical and systemic. The treatment may also be a combination of both.The topical ,over the counter medicines usually prescribed for acne by the doctors include Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfur. While the Benzoyl peroxide acts as a killing agent as a deterrent for oil production the other three help remove the blackheads and white heads. All these medicines are available in a variety of bases like Gel, Cream, lotion, soap, or pad. Some of these topical medicines may cause skin allergies for some patients like burning sensation, irritation, etc. It may normally take not less than 8 weeks for the patient to see susceptible changes in the skin.
Acne can be very effectively cured by natural and herbal remedies . The advantage of these natural and herbal remedies are that it cost you little and at the same time free from all side effects. Remember! Once you spoil the skin by chemicals it may take months or sometime years to get back to the old state. Whereas the natural remedies address the root cause of Acne and make your skin glow again within no time.There is a very informative literature on curing Acne that can be used by anyone at home.If you really need to get Acne cured for ever and that too without any marks or side effects download this treasure house of information from the site. The author has given a money back guarantee for the formula and I found there is no reason for not making such a strong offer considering its valuable content and effectiveness. Thousand got benifited Now it is yor tun.Download the secret formula here nowGet Acne natural remedies here
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Acne Causes and Remedies
Labels: Acne, adult acne
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Information provided on this site is for educational purposes. The information in not given as medical advice nor is it intended to propose or offers to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a qualified physician.
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