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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hair Loss in Women - Natural Remedies

Hair Loss in Women Herbal and Natural Remedies

From time immemorial women were very conscious about their beauty more particularly about their hair.Long and luxurious hair was once considered as the symbol of feminine beauty and women took proud in it. In the world classic literature we can see numerous descriptions of w omen's hair. Long and thick hair is the main factor of feminine beauty. And it is a defining point in her personality. That is why hair loss causes panic among women. Usually women can't cope up with hair loss even though there is a history of hair loss in their family.Many a time loss of hair and abnormal hair fall lead to psychological problems and it affect the confidence level of the modern working women.

If we start to care our hair from the early childhood we can have strong and healthy hair. But now a day it is not rare to see women as young as 18 or 19 develop hair loss problems. The change in our life style- mainly the changes in food habits, unusual stress, busy life, lack of hair care ,hereditary problems and certain diseases are the main reasons for the ever increasing hair loss in women. The advent of modern medicine has lead to the loss of many a natural technique of hair care that produced stunning result without any side effects. Let us see some of the common reasons for the hair loss and the probable natural herbal remedies to arrest the same.

Causes and Prevention of Hair Loss:-
• The gradual and permanent hair loss in women is due to inheritance or some genetic problems. There should be a history of hair loss in their family. Surgical hair restoration or hair implant is the only solution for this.
• Anaemia due to lack of nutritious food results in sudden hair loss in women. By having a balanced diet we can prevent it.
• Medication for certain diseases also result in hair loss in women . Normally when we stop medication the hair starts to re-grow.
• Hormonal disorders due to certain diseases like thyroid problems, ovarian tumor etc also result in sudden hair loss in women . Consult your doctor and undergo hormone treatment. When the hormone deficiency is successfully rectified, the re-growth of hair starts.
• Scalp infections can also cause hair loss. Immediately consult a dermatologist, undergo medical evaluation and start treatment.
• Some times undergoing chemical treatment with acid and heat will damage the hair and it starts to shed. Try to avoid this.
Natural Tips for Hair Loss in Women
• Soak some fenugreek seeds for 6 hrs and make a paste with it. Apply it on the scalp. After one hour wash the hair with cold water. Do once in a week. This is a very effective remedy for hair loss in women
• Take the juice of one lemon. Mix it with equal amount of coconut milk. Apply it on the scalp and gently massage.
• Make paste with fresh henna leaves and allow it to dry in a shady place. Put the dried henna paste into coconut oil or gingelly oil. After one day boil the oil. Keep it in a bottle and use regularly if one need to control hair loss .
• Massage the scalp regularly with virgin coconut oil (boil some coconut milk until the oil is completely extracted). It will reduce hair loss in women and fasten the growth.

What I shared here is of the miniscule of the plenty of natural remedies available for hair loss and thinning of hair. If you are one of those unfortunate victims of hair loss or thinning of hair do not get panic. As a person who was once traumatized by heavy falling of hair , I can vouchsafe the effectiveness of natural herbal remedies to regrow the hair and stop falling of hair. If you are suffering from severe hair loss and thinning of hair I would suggest you to read a wonderful book on natural herbal remedies that could help you to get stunning results. You do not have any stakes since this book comes with a money back guarantee. As a person who got benefited by this literature I still keep this book in my bookshelf for reference. The author has taken much pain to compile the facts. Now it is for you to act. Get the most valuable information that could change your life within a month or two for sure. Download the E book on Herbal, Natural Hair loss remedies here Now

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