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Natural Cure Yeast Infection

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Natural Weight Loss Programs

Natural Weight Loss Programs:-
As per the official estimates on body mass index more than two third of the Adult population is overweight in USA of which one third is obese. This brings into light the gravity of the situation as mentioned in the reports of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention that puts the number of deaths due to reasons directly or indirectly related to obesity in USA around 4 lakh in 2004. Though the exact details of such overweight deaths is fiercely disputed there is no second opinion about the fact that, obesity is fast catching up with smoking as the single most preventable cause of deaths in USA. It is in this context the relevance and importance of weight loss programs assumes significance.

As per the national institute of Health a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25 or above is considered overweight and when this integer equals to 30 or above the person is considered obese. Weight loss programs are intended for this category only.

As you are aware a person gains weight when his/her calorie intake exceeds the calorie usage. Naturally one can control or reduce the body weight by the simple solution of either reducing the calorie intake or increasing the calorie usage. This exactly is the solution for the weight loss and one that is employed in every weight loss programs, irrespective of the methods employed.

Weight loss programs are much talked about recently. In this era of instant communication and faster transport no wonder why people are also fond of the quick weight loss programs and techniques.

Ideally any weight loss program should intend shedding of only a moderate - one or two pounds a week and any claim of losing 10 to 12 pounds of weight a week ,whatever may be the magical solution applied ,is not considered good for the health of the individual . The quick weight loss programs are possible by regulating and scientifically planning the food one takes and by doing regular exercise. There are many ways to achieve this. One of the effective solutions you can read Here!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Anxiety Disorders and Natural Remedies

The bulk of anxiety disorders range from uneasiness to paralyzing bouts of terror. A few of the various types of anxiety disorders are as listed below:

• Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
If an individual fails to shake off unwarranted worries and depreciate the rate and level of everyday activities, he / she may most likely be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

• Symptoms:

1. Chronic, exaggerated worry
2. Excessive unwarranted anxiety or tension
3. Irritability and frustration without cause
4. Restlessness
5. Insomnia or sleep apnea
6. Trembling and twitching

• Diagnosis:

1. Excessive unwarranted worry for over a time period of more than six months.

• Treatment:

Effective forms of treatment of anxiety disorders are as projected as given below:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
2. Relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation
3. biofeedback
4. Anti-anxiety drugs and its derivatives which include the like of diazepam and lorazepam. Non benzodiazepine drugs like buspirone may also prove to be effective in the treatment of this disorder for selective individuals.

• Panic Disorder:

People affected with this disorder undergo white-knuckled, terrorizing episodes that strike unpredicted. that strikes suddenly and without warning. Due to its unpredictable nature many people live in chronic anxiety as to when another one could overcome them at any moment.

• Symptoms:
1. Increased heart beating
2. Chest pain
3. Nausea
4. Shortness of breath,
5. Trembling and twitching
6. Choking, fear of dying
7. Sweating
8. Hallucinations and illusions
9. Numbness or tingling

• Diagnosis:
1. Four attacks within four weeks
2. One or more attacks followed by at least a month of persistent terror of having another attack.
3. Showcase of at least four of the symptoms listed above developed during at least one of the attacks.
4. Occur even during sleep

• Treatment:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
2. High-potency anti-anxiety drugs like alprazolam.
3. Antidepressants which include the likes of paroxetine, tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors)
4. Combinational treatment of both therapies and medications may also prove effective.

• Phobias:
Phobias as most of us know are irrational fears that result in the patient avoiding anxiety specific situations. Common forms of phobia include agoraphobia that relates to feeling of unwarranted fear of situations or experiences that might trigger a panic attack and social phobia, which is dreading public embarrassment.

• Symptoms:
1. Sweating
2. Pounding heart
3. Twitching and experiencing tremors

• Diagnosis:
1. Excessive anxiousness associated with exposure to evidences of pain attacks.
2. Guilt on recognition of excessive / unreasonable fear
3. Lower work ability and concentration in everyday activities.
4. Social problems and tense family relationships

• Treatment:
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
2. Anti anxiety drugs and antidepressants
3. Combination of medication and therapeutic treatment

• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

PTSD can result from terrifying experiences such as rape, kidnapping or any other life threatening experience. It has now begun affecting even minors and hence this disorder has spared people of any age group in the present world. The key to PT S D’s are psychological imprints and damages created by such experiences.

• Symptoms:
1. Emotional numbing
2. Unwarranted anxiety
3. Startled reactions , mostly exaggerated
4. Nightmares
5. Neurasthenia
6. Insomnia and sleep apnea

• Diagnosis:
Symptoms of PTSD are considered a form of anxiety related disorder only if initial signs pertaining to a kind of reflex reaction towards an experience of a traumatic event persist for more than three months.

Having explained the clinical symptoms and the modern remedies for anxiety and panic attacks I would like to suggest that the best way to combat the anxiety and panic attacks without any side effects and health hazards is by means of natural remedies. Not only this system is cost free but also ensure sure and permanent cure without any side effects. If you are a victim of this most disturbing and most traumatising health disorder it is time to act differently now. Medicines may give you temporary solace but there are very effective and proven formula that help people like you to get rid of this syndrome permanently .If you need a permanent and effective cure for your ailment to forget what has happened hitherto and to start a new lease of life act now. Download this e book which would change your life for sure. You have no stakes here since the book comes with an unconditional money back guarantee. Download the information from here right now. Anxiety disorders and Natural Remedies

(Copy right Reserved.The article may be re-published only with author's written permission.)

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Acne Causes and Remedies

Acne Causes and Remedies.What is Acne?Acne or pimples as it is commonly called are lesions occurring on the face, neck, and back of the body due to a disorder of hormone actions on the skins oil glands known as sebaceous glands. It is a common skin disease estimated to have affected around 17 million people in USA.The sebaceous gland that secretes excess sebaceous fluids through the pores makes the pores blocked along lesions. Acne is the result of sudden and high degree changes in the level of hormones in the human body between the age of 12 and 21.Acne-Causes:-As explained above the causes of Acne are due to the sudden changes in the hormones in the body usually during the adolescent stage. Acne that appears in people above 25 to 30 years of age may be classified into any one of the following.a) Recurrence of Acne that was cleared up after adolescenceb) Acne that subsided and appeared again after a brief period, for example - during the time of pregnancy in women.c) Acne that occurs for the first time in adulthood.Of the above mentioned types of Acne, that appears during adulthood, Acne that affects the adults for the first time, needs investigation by a dermatologist to find out the possible causes.Some of the causes for the adult acne are as follows.1) Continuous Medication:-The anabolic steroids illegally used by athletes or medications for epilepsy, certain anti tuberculosis drugs, lithium and iodine contained medicines; all these may result in Acne2) Pressure on the Skin:-Continuous pressure on the skin may also cause Acne3) Industrial Chemicals:-Chlorine contained industrial chemicals may induce skin disorders called chlor acne4) Hormone changes:-Changes in the hormonal balance of a person during pregnancy, menstruation or abnormalities of hormone may also lead to acne.Acne that develops during adult hood is difficult to treat and recurrence of the same may call for repeated medication, similarly acne that develops first time in adult hood has to be treated by a dermatologist.Another factor for acne is hereditary. Children who develop acne are found to be with the family history of this disorder.Myths not Facts:-Many believe that food has a role in the development of acne. Chocolates, oil content foods are often considered as the cause of Acne. However there is no scientific evidence to this effect. Similarly the notion that the dirty skin leads to acne does not have much truth. Stress or strain also does not cause acne as some people believe.Who is affected by Acne?All people irrespective of age, country or race get this skin disorder. However people of adolescent age and young adults are more prone to this disorder. Various studies reveal that 85% of the teenagers and people below 24 yrs develop Acne.Treatment:-Severe causes of acne are to be treated by a dermatologist. However normal or milder cases of acne found in young adults and teenagers are treated by family doctors, pediatricians or general practitioners.The acne treatment aims at curing of the existing lesions, avoid recurrence of the lesions and give a sense of relief for the patient. The drugs administered are for various connected problems such as avoidance of clumping of cells in the follicles, to control the bacteria and reduce inflammation besides reduction in the oil production. The medicines prescribed for Acne includes both topical and systemic. The treatment may also be a combination of both.The topical ,over the counter medicines usually prescribed for acne by the doctors include Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid and sulfur. While the Benzoyl peroxide acts as a killing agent as a deterrent for oil production the other three help remove the blackheads and white heads. All these medicines are available in a variety of bases like Gel, Cream, lotion, soap, or pad. Some of these topical medicines may cause skin allergies for some patients like burning sensation, irritation, etc. It may normally take not less than 8 weeks for the patient to see susceptible changes in the skin.

Acne can be very effectively cured by natural and herbal remedies . The advantage of these natural and herbal remedies are that it cost you little and at the same time free from all side effects. Remember! Once you spoil the skin by chemicals it may take months or sometime years to get back to the old state. Whereas the natural remedies address the root cause of Acne and make your skin glow again within no time.There is a very informative literature on curing Acne that can be used by anyone at home.If you really need to get Acne cured for ever and that too without any marks or side effects download this treasure house of information from the site. The author has given a money back guarantee for the formula and I found there is no reason for not making such a strong offer considering its valuable content and effectiveness. Thousand got benifited Now it is yor tun.Download the secret formula here nowGet Acne natural remedies here

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Anemia A Common Health Disorder!

Anemia is one of the most common blood disorders found in human beings. Blood is made up of red blood cells (rbc) which consists of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from lungs to various organs of the body. It is a protein. When the level of hemoglobin falls, the supply of oxygen decreases. Due to lack of supply of oxygen, the heart has to work harder to deliver the blood to other organs. in short, lack of hemoglobin in blood is termed as anemia.
? What are its symptoms?
There are many symptoms for anemia. The first symptoms of this blood disorder are paleness of the skin, decrease in the pinkness of the lips and nails. Depression, sleeplessness, fatigue, rapid heart beat, short of breath, dizziness, feeling cold/shivering, decreased appetite is the other common symptoms. The symptoms of anemia are very much similar to those of other serious diseases. So, it’s better to see a doctor and conduct a blood test. The count of RBC may indicate whether there is a decrease in RBC than the normal number.

What are the causes of anemia?
Anemia is caused by several reasons. The important causes of anemia are: - Loss of blood: blood loss is one of the reasons for anemia. It may be due to several reasons like heavy menstrual periods in girls and women, excessive bleeding due to injuries/accident, diseases like inflammatory bowel disease which causes long-term of blood loss may also be a reason for anemia.
Less production of RBC: bone marrow is responsible for producing red blood cells. When bone marrow fails to make enough red blood cells, anemia is caused. This type of anemia is called as aplastic anemia. Certain chronic diseases are responsible for low production of RBC in bone marrow. Iron is another source of hemoglobin. Because of iron deficiency, body cannot produce enough red blood cells. This is called as iron deficiency anemia. The other causes are, poor diet, vitamin deficiency etc...
? How to diagnose anemia?
the best way of diagnosing anemia is to run a blood test like, complete blood count(cubic) or blood smeared test, where in the blood is smeared on a slide of glass and the red blood cells are examined under the microscope to know the amount of hemoglobin. Biopsy is done to know whether the production of RBC is normal in the bone marrow. Biopsy is the only test to diagnose aplastic anemia. Iron tests are done to know whether the anemia is because of iron deficiency in the body.
? How the disease is treated?
Anemia may turn to be worse if not treated in time and may result in blood transfusion. The treatment of anemia depends on the cause. Those females who are anemic because of heavy menstrual periods are prescribed a birth control pill to regulate the bleeding. Folic acids and vitamin b12 supplements are prescribed to those who are anemic because of nutrition deficiency. The bone marrow is stimulated to make more red blood cells by bone marrow transplantation.
? How to prevent anemia?
Food items that contain iron, like iron-fortified grains and cereals, red meat, egg yolk, potatoes, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, poultry and fish if taken in required quantities anemia can be prevented. Anemia caused by any of the physical ailments mentioned above is to be properly treated.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sleepwalking Causes and Concerns

By Raveendranath menon

Sleepwalkingis a behavior disorder that roots during deep sleep hours. It leads to performing complex behaviors while unconscious, the most obvious of which is walking. This syndrome is given the technical term or is technically known as ‘SOMNABULISM’. Since the sleepwalker remains in a state of unconsciouness throughout the episode, he or she is usually difficult to awaken. The person generally does not remember any detail of his unconscious routine. Sleepwalking is more common in children than in adults. Usually chidren outgrow sleepwalking in a few years. If symptoms persist through adolescence, a doctor needs to be immediately consulted.
These include:
• simply sitting up in the bed and aimlessly looking around
• walking or strutting around the room or house
• Muttering bizarre words in sleep
• leaving the house
• driving long distances away from the house
Slleepwalking usually originates from a lack or deprival of sleep.A common misconception that prevails in many households is the belief that a sleepwalker must not be awakened. The sleepwalker, infact must be alerted as soon as possible to ward off all dangers that might either surround him or the people in the vicinity. Between 1-15 % of the general population is affected by this disorder. Children aged between three to seven are more prone to attacks of sleepwalking.The cause of this is attributed to sleep apnea.
The commencement of sleepwalking generally takes place either during deep sleep, that is REM periods or lighter sleep stages or NREM.Common symptoms other than sleepwalking include:
• Difficulty in alerting the sleepwalker during one of his or her episodes.
• Sleeptalking under the breath
• Partially or totally deleted and deadlocked memory with no recollection of the event having occured.
• Screaming, bawling and twitching
• Violent resistance towards the person who tries to arouse the sleepwalker
• Bed-wetting. This is usually a common symptom among children. Bedwetting beyond the age of five needs a must doctor’s visit

Although there is no defenite form of treatment for sleepwalking common forms of treatment that are generally suggested or prescribed by practitioners include:
• Simply rejuvenating in the patient the art of proper and regular sleep. This also includes increasing the sleeping period as most sleep disorders are usually the result of sleep deprivation.
• Undergoing hypnosis and hypnotism techniques by a certified practitioner may also improve the conditions in some cases.
• Pharmacological therapies like antidepressants and sedative-hypnotics
• By consulting a doctor and discussing with him all forms of medicatiomn, stress, fatigue or depression that you may feel important
Elevating the sleep period, establishing a regular routine for relaxation prior to bedtime and depriving the patient any form of alcohol or alcoholic medications that may be stated as the cause of sleepwalking may prove beneficial.
Creating safe and sound environments is the need of the hour to prevent any sorts of accidents that are bound to happen. According to a poll based on sleepwalking in America in 2004, pre-school children amounting to 1% and school aged children ammounting to 2% walk in their sleep for at least a few nights every week.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Psoriasis - Prevention and Cure

What is Psoriasis?

PSORIASIS is a chronic skin disorder that may affect the skin, joints and even the eyes. The infected person may suffer from red patches, which are called as plaques, with silvery scales on the skin. These silvery flakes can be peeled off easily. The person also suffers from inflammation. These patches can be found on any part of the skin. The most affected areas are knees, scalp and elbows. Psoriasis can affect any part of the body!


As per the scientific studies, psoriasis is of five types.

>The patches which affect the back of the elbow and on the knees are called as plaques. Such type of psoriasis is called as PLAQUE PSORIASIS. It is the most common type of psoriasis.
>Often the patients suffer from small red or pink spots all over the body mostly the chest and the back. These spots are a type of psoriasis and are called as GUTTATE PSORIASIS.
>The moist areas of the body, like underarms, genitals or the area under the breast are usually affected with red patches. It may be worsened by sweat or itching. This type of psoriasis is called as FLEXURAL PSORIASIS.
>when the red patches are filled with pus and cause inflammation, then it is called as PUSTULAR PSORIASIS. It usually occurs on the palms and sole of the feet.
>Patches affecting the hair margins with scaling and flakes are called as SCALP PSORIASIS. It mainly affects the scalp. Rare but serious condition of psoriasis is ERYTHRODERMA. In this type large areas of skin become hot and dry.

>One of the main causes of outbreak of psoriasis is failure of immune system. The immune system consists of T-cell which guards the body against infection. But in psoriasis the T-cells target the other immune responses leading to destruction of skin cells. The other major reason for psoriasis is heredity. A large number of families are affected by psoriasis, due to a certain identified genes. Psoriasis also occurs when a person is suffering from throat infection. Often the patch grows where the skin has been scratched or injured. High consumption of alcohol and certain drugs may also cause psoriasis.

Mostly psoriasis is diagnosed by an appearance of a rash on the skin. Along with rashes, if the person suffers from joint inflammation then he is prescribed a blood test. And in some rare cases, small samples of skin is taken and sent for observation. Psoriasis is not contagious and it can affect all age groups and both the sexes equally.

There is no cure for psoriasis. Mostly psoriasis gets better on its own, but sometimes it needs to be treated.Sunshine is one of the best treatments for psoriasis. As the skin gets dry during psoriasis, moisturizing creams are used instead of soap. Vitamin D is said to be very effective for the patients suffering from psoriasis.Mild steroids and creams also help in this case. No prevention is yet found, as one cannot prevent the skin from drying!!

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