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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Treatment For Hair loss in Men- Options and Remedies

Baldness In Men

Baldness is a very common sight in men. It affects almost 75% of the above 60 male population. Women, however, are kept away from this problem. Baldness can also be caused due to a skin infection called Alopecia Aereta. This causes severe hair loss and thinning until the person finally becomes bald. The main problem with this skin disease is that the hair which lost is gone forever. Another hair will not grow from the same root.

Hair loss and the resultant balding is an ancient trend in men. Ancient civilizations tried to cure baldness by using weird remedies, some of which involving pigeon droppings. Electric shocks to the scalp in an attempt to activate hair follicles have also need tried out. Medications have been invented which provide temporary hair loss control but work in only 50 to 60 percent of men. Nothing has worked effectively because the problem of balding is much more deep rooted.

Baldness can occur differently to different people. This is called pattern baldness. In some people, the hair line slowly starts receeding back until the forehead area merges with the scalp and continues almost till the crown. For others, baldness begins at the crown of the scalp and hair begins to thin in circles until a round bald patch appears in the centre of the head.

The major reason for baldness is genetic disorder and is a hereditary problem. External factor do not effect the root case of this problem. Of course, factors like pollution, stress, chemical treatments etc can aggravate the hair loss process. According to researches,  out of every 7 men, 4 men will have the possibility of going bald.

The problem of severe hair loss in men is stored in a gene and is present right from birth. This gene changes the male hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which triggers balding. However, when man reaches his late twenties, he begins to show symptoms of balding. The hormones attack the roots of the hair and cause hair loss by weakening them.

Balding in men is a gradual process. It does not happen overnight or even in a fortnight. So, if you notice severe hair loss symptoms, then don't take it for granted that it is the beginning of balding. Hair loss may also occur due to ill health and side effects of medication. In fact, hair reflects the state of health of a person. Consult a doctor immediately if you notice sudden and severe loss of hair.

Hair transplantation one way of regrowing hair on a bald patch. In this treatment, areas where the hair roots are still active are identified. Then, a growing hair is plucked from another area of your scalp and replanted on the bald patch where hair roots are not yet dead. You need to visit the doctor a number of times depending upon the severity of your baldness.

Another treatment for baldness is implants. This is dangerous and not recommended. In this treatment, artificial fibers that resemble hair are stitched into the scalp. So, the person's scalp will look full of hair but with something that is not actually hair. This treatment has been banned in a lot places.

The important thing is not to get disheartened by hair fall and balding. Accept it as a natural phenomenon and wear it with pride. Or just shave your head. Completely bald men always look masculine and stylish.

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