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Monday, February 26, 2007

Sleepwalking Causes and Concerns

By Raveendranath menon

Sleepwalkingis a behavior disorder that roots during deep sleep hours. It leads to performing complex behaviors while unconscious, the most obvious of which is walking. This syndrome is given the technical term or is technically known as ‘SOMNABULISM’. Since the sleepwalker remains in a state of unconsciouness throughout the episode, he or she is usually difficult to awaken. The person generally does not remember any detail of his unconscious routine. Sleepwalking is more common in children than in adults. Usually chidren outgrow sleepwalking in a few years. If symptoms persist through adolescence, a doctor needs to be immediately consulted.
These include:
• simply sitting up in the bed and aimlessly looking around
• walking or strutting around the room or house
• Muttering bizarre words in sleep
• leaving the house
• driving long distances away from the house
Slleepwalking usually originates from a lack or deprival of sleep.A common misconception that prevails in many households is the belief that a sleepwalker must not be awakened. The sleepwalker, infact must be alerted as soon as possible to ward off all dangers that might either surround him or the people in the vicinity. Between 1-15 % of the general population is affected by this disorder. Children aged between three to seven are more prone to attacks of sleepwalking.The cause of this is attributed to sleep apnea.
The commencement of sleepwalking generally takes place either during deep sleep, that is REM periods or lighter sleep stages or NREM.Common symptoms other than sleepwalking include:
• Difficulty in alerting the sleepwalker during one of his or her episodes.
• Sleeptalking under the breath
• Partially or totally deleted and deadlocked memory with no recollection of the event having occured.
• Screaming, bawling and twitching
• Violent resistance towards the person who tries to arouse the sleepwalker
• Bed-wetting. This is usually a common symptom among children. Bedwetting beyond the age of five needs a must doctor’s visit

Although there is no defenite form of treatment for sleepwalking common forms of treatment that are generally suggested or prescribed by practitioners include:
• Simply rejuvenating in the patient the art of proper and regular sleep. This also includes increasing the sleeping period as most sleep disorders are usually the result of sleep deprivation.
• Undergoing hypnosis and hypnotism techniques by a certified practitioner may also improve the conditions in some cases.
• Pharmacological therapies like antidepressants and sedative-hypnotics
• By consulting a doctor and discussing with him all forms of medicatiomn, stress, fatigue or depression that you may feel important
Elevating the sleep period, establishing a regular routine for relaxation prior to bedtime and depriving the patient any form of alcohol or alcoholic medications that may be stated as the cause of sleepwalking may prove beneficial.
Creating safe and sound environments is the need of the hour to prevent any sorts of accidents that are bound to happen. According to a poll based on sleepwalking in America in 2004, pre-school children amounting to 1% and school aged children ammounting to 2% walk in their sleep for at least a few nights every week.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Psoriasis - Prevention and Cure

What is Psoriasis?

PSORIASIS is a chronic skin disorder that may affect the skin, joints and even the eyes. The infected person may suffer from red patches, which are called as plaques, with silvery scales on the skin. These silvery flakes can be peeled off easily. The person also suffers from inflammation. These patches can be found on any part of the skin. The most affected areas are knees, scalp and elbows. Psoriasis can affect any part of the body!


As per the scientific studies, psoriasis is of five types.

>The patches which affect the back of the elbow and on the knees are called as plaques. Such type of psoriasis is called as PLAQUE PSORIASIS. It is the most common type of psoriasis.
>Often the patients suffer from small red or pink spots all over the body mostly the chest and the back. These spots are a type of psoriasis and are called as GUTTATE PSORIASIS.
>The moist areas of the body, like underarms, genitals or the area under the breast are usually affected with red patches. It may be worsened by sweat or itching. This type of psoriasis is called as FLEXURAL PSORIASIS.
>when the red patches are filled with pus and cause inflammation, then it is called as PUSTULAR PSORIASIS. It usually occurs on the palms and sole of the feet.
>Patches affecting the hair margins with scaling and flakes are called as SCALP PSORIASIS. It mainly affects the scalp. Rare but serious condition of psoriasis is ERYTHRODERMA. In this type large areas of skin become hot and dry.

>One of the main causes of outbreak of psoriasis is failure of immune system. The immune system consists of T-cell which guards the body against infection. But in psoriasis the T-cells target the other immune responses leading to destruction of skin cells. The other major reason for psoriasis is heredity. A large number of families are affected by psoriasis, due to a certain identified genes. Psoriasis also occurs when a person is suffering from throat infection. Often the patch grows where the skin has been scratched or injured. High consumption of alcohol and certain drugs may also cause psoriasis.

Mostly psoriasis is diagnosed by an appearance of a rash on the skin. Along with rashes, if the person suffers from joint inflammation then he is prescribed a blood test. And in some rare cases, small samples of skin is taken and sent for observation. Psoriasis is not contagious and it can affect all age groups and both the sexes equally.

There is no cure for psoriasis. Mostly psoriasis gets better on its own, but sometimes it needs to be treated.Sunshine is one of the best treatments for psoriasis. As the skin gets dry during psoriasis, moisturizing creams are used instead of soap. Vitamin D is said to be very effective for the patients suffering from psoriasis.Mild steroids and creams also help in this case. No prevention is yet found, as one cannot prevent the skin from drying!!

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