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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Natural Weight Loss Programs

Natural Weight Loss Programs:-
As per the official estimates on body mass index more than two third of the Adult population is overweight in USA of which one third is obese. This brings into light the gravity of the situation as mentioned in the reports of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention that puts the number of deaths due to reasons directly or indirectly related to obesity in USA around 4 lakh in 2004. Though the exact details of such overweight deaths is fiercely disputed there is no second opinion about the fact that, obesity is fast catching up with smoking as the single most preventable cause of deaths in USA. It is in this context the relevance and importance of weight loss programs assumes significance.

As per the national institute of Health a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25 or above is considered overweight and when this integer equals to 30 or above the person is considered obese. Weight loss programs are intended for this category only.

As you are aware a person gains weight when his/her calorie intake exceeds the calorie usage. Naturally one can control or reduce the body weight by the simple solution of either reducing the calorie intake or increasing the calorie usage. This exactly is the solution for the weight loss and one that is employed in every weight loss programs, irrespective of the methods employed.

Weight loss programs are much talked about recently. In this era of instant communication and faster transport no wonder why people are also fond of the quick weight loss programs and techniques.

Ideally any weight loss program should intend shedding of only a moderate - one or two pounds a week and any claim of losing 10 to 12 pounds of weight a week ,whatever may be the magical solution applied ,is not considered good for the health of the individual . The quick weight loss programs are possible by regulating and scientifically planning the food one takes and by doing regular exercise. There are many ways to achieve this. One of the effective solutions you can read Here!

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